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Report on Third Slovenian-Croatian Crystallographic Meeting, September 1994

The third joint meeting of Slovenian and Croatian crystallographers was held in the well-known alpine resort of Kranjska gora, Slovenia, from 29-30 September 1994. The meeting was organized by the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia under the auspices of the University of Ljubljana and promoted by the Slovenian Chemical Society. The meeting was dedicated to Acad. Prof. Dr. Drago Grdenic on the occasion of his 75th birthday. Profs. L. Golic, Ljubljana and B. Kamenar, Zagreb, co-chaired the meeting.

The main topics of the meeting were:

but contributions were also accepted from other fields of research connected with crystals. There were four invited lectures presented by:

Altogether 70 crystallographers participated at the meeting and they presented 51 oral contributions. Abstracts of the lectures and oral contributions were published in the Book of Abstracts. Representatives of Nonius B.V., Molecular Structure Corporation, Philips X-ray Int. and Siemens AG Oestereich were also present at the meeting. The official language of the meeting, both written and spoken, was English. Our Croatian colleagues are preparing the 1995 meeting to take place near Zagreb.

14th Nov. 1994

I. Leban, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

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