Figure 7
The Hirshfeld surface of GLYGLY at (a)–(c) ambient temperature and pressure, and (d)–(f) 4.7 GPa. The surfaces at both ambient pressure and 4.7 GPa have been separated into three orientations where (a) and (d) represent the GLYGLY molecule as viewed approximately perpendicular to the (10 ) plane. Both (b) and (e), and (c) and (f) represent 90° increment rotations about the vertical axis from (a) and (d). In comparing both the ambient pressure and 4.7 GPa structures, all hydrogen bonds have been normalized to neutron distances (C—H = 1.083 and N—H = 1.009 Å). Surfaces have been mapped over two ranges between [a(i)–f(i)] de, 0.68–2.31 Å and [a(ii)–f(ii)] 1.1–1.5 Å. The molecules beside the surfaces have been added for clarity; for numbers refer to the text. Colour scheme: C grey, N blue, O red and H white. |