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Figure 25
Projections down [010], and in perpendicular directions, of the various phases of D,L-norleucine and D,L-methionine: Left: D,L-norleucine (a) EI(β) and (b) EII(α); the structure of the γ phase has not been reported. Right: D,L-methionine (c) EI(β), (d) EII(α) and (e) EIII(γ). A full report of the EIII(γ) structure has not appeared but the preliminary atomic coordinates kindly made available by Professor Matsuoka (Matsuoka et al., 1999BB95) suggest that the correct space group is C2/c and not C2, and this change has been made in (e). The structural unit in all these phases is the hydrogen-bonded ribbon marked in (a) and shown in the other diagrams. The similarity of the cells would be even more apparent if axes alternative to those in the literature were used, but this has not been done to avoid confusion. Data references in Table 8[link].

ISSN: 2052-5206
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