Figure 43
Paracetamol – phase transformation of metastable orthorhombic form (II) to the stable monoclinic form (I). At 298 K (left photograph), the crystal in the centre of the field is shown extinguished under crossed polarizers. The [001] axis is vertical and the large face is (210) (see Fig. 4 of Nichols, 1998 ). The conversion takes place at 383 K along a front which moves from lower left to upper right. The conversion is approximately 50% completed in the central photograph and essentially complete in the right-hand photograph. Other evidence (e.g. from Boldyreva et al., 2004 ) suggests that, although the external form of the crystal is unchanged, the product is actually polycrystalline monoclinic paracetamol. Thus, the crystal nature (single crystal or polycrystal) of the transformed phase requires clarification. Micrographs from Nichols (1999 ) reproduced with permission. |