Figure 2
(a) A [100] through-focal series for disordered P63/m and ordered vanadium and phosphorus models of Ca10((V0.5P0.5)O4)6F2 calculated for a thickness of 47 Å using the multislice method as realised in JEMS (Stadelmann, 1987 ). Structures derived from X-ray determinations were used for the calculations. Microscope parameters were Cs = 1.4 mm, spread of focus = 10 nm, beam semi-convergence = 0.5 mrad. (b) A high-resolution image of a region in a crystal of nominal composition Ca10((V0.5P0.5)O4)6F2. Such images, which extended for many thousands of Ås, were characteristic of the crystals over the entire solid solution, indicating an absence of miscibility gaps that would promote the formation of phosphorous- or vanadium-rich nanodomains. (c) Comparison of the experimental and calculated images of the P21/m model of Ca10(VO4)6F2 (Dong & White, 2004b ). The small departure from the hexagonal metric could not be distinguished in such images, but was apparent in selected-area diffraction patterns. |