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Figure 9
Separate Wilson plots for the (h0ℓ)M, ℓ = 2n and (h0ℓ)M, ℓ = 2n + 1 reflections measured at 90 K for a crystal grown from acetone (filled circles; data measured with Mo Kα radiation from a sealed tube) and for a crystal grown from toluene (open circles; data measured with Cu Kα radiation from a rotating-anode source). The (h0ℓ)M, ℓ = 2n + 1 reflections for the crystal grown from acetone are relatively more intense because the crystal grown from acetone is more ordered. The origin of the vertical scale is arbitrary; the overlap of the two sets of ℓ = 2n points has been maximized.

ISSN: 2052-5206
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