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Figure 5
Changes in the interatomic distances of selected hydrogen bonds in DL-serine versus pressure: (a) N1—H1A⋯O3 ([\textstyle{{1\over 2}-x, -{1\over 2}+y, {1\over 2}-z}]), (b) N1—H1B⋯O2 ([\textstyle{{1\over 2}+x, {1\over 2}-y, {1\over 2}+z}]), (c) N1—H1C⋯O3 ([\textstyle{{3\over 2}-x, -{1\over 2}+y, {1\over 2}-z}]), (d) N1—H1B⋯O3 ([\textstyle{{1\over 2}+x, {1\over 2}-y, {1\over 2}+z}]), (e) O2—H2⋯O1 ([\textstyle{{1\over 2}-x, -{1\over 2}+y, {1\over 2}-z}]); and in L-serine versus pressure: (f) N1—H3⋯O2 (-1+x, y, z), (g) N1—H3⋯O1 (-1+x, y, z), (h) N1—H2⋯O2 ([\textstyle{-{1\over 2}+x, {1\over 2}-y, 2-z}]), (i) N1—H1⋯O1 ([\textstyle{1-x, {1\over 2}+y, {3\over 2}-z}]), (j) O3—H5⋯O3 ([\textstyle{-{1\over 2}+x, {1\over 2}-y, 1-z}]). The figures contain data from several publications: Present contribution (black circles); Moggach et al. (2005BB67) (red rhombs); Boldyreva, Kolesnik et al. (2005BB16) at ambient pressure and Boldyreva, Sowa et al. (2006BB21) at 4.2 GPa (blue triangles). This figure is in colour in the electronic version of this paper.

ISSN: 2052-5206
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