Figure 8
Two alternative hypothetical dimer structures derived from a staggered-chain orthotobermorite. In both cases, the space group is B11 b (No. 9, unique axis c, cell choice 1); a = 6.748, b = 7.3 Å, γ = 122.75°. (a)–(c) A version where the interlayer Ca atom is placed close to the vacant tetrahedral bridging site; in this version c = 21.5 Å; full details are in the CIF datablock T2_so_LS1. (d)–(f) A version where the interlayer Ca atom is offset from that position; in this version c = 19.0 Å; full details are in the CIF datablock T2_so_LS2. (a) and (d) are views along the b axis. The unit cell is indicated by black dotted lines. Just the silicate chains and interlayer Ca atoms are shown perpendicular to the b axis in (b) and (e) and along the c axis in (c) and (f). |