Figure 10
Complimentary HAADF-STEM and ABF-STEM images of the incommensurately modulated (Pb,Bi)1 − xFe1 + xO3 − y perovskite CS structures with 10 at.% Bi (Pb0.829Bi0.122Fe1.049O2.586), 30 at.% Bi (Pb0.650Bi0.309Fe1.042O2.675) and 56 at.% Bi (Pb0.434Bi0.540Fe1.027O2.783). The HAADF-STEM images are shown as acquired, while the scanning noise on the ABF-STEM images has been removed by applying low-pass filtering. Bright and faint dots on the HAADF-STEM images correspond to the (Pb,Bi) and Fe—O atomic columns in the structure, respectively. Note the presence of extra dots on the ABF-STEM images, which correspond to the pure O columns (see Fig. S5 of the supporting information for graphical representation). The insets demonstrate simulated STEM images calculated using crystallographic data for the refined structures. Note strong wave-like displacements of the O columns in all the structures. |