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Figure 6
Estimation of the volume fraction [\alpha_{\rm calc}] of MDO1 in simulated datasets of MDO1/MDO2 allotwins plotted against the actual volume fraction [\alpha_{\rm act}]. The estimates were determined by disorder models refined using only reflections of MDO1 (`+' symbol) or MDO2 (`×' symbol). Black symbols represent uncorrected values ([\alpha_1 = |2O-1|] and [\alpha_2 = 1-|2O-1|]); red symbols values corrected for the erroneous assumption of a disordered structure ([\alpha_1^2] and [1-(1-\alpha_2)^2]). The [\alpha_{\rm calc} = \alpha_{\rm act}] line is indicated as a visual guide. Error bars are smaller than the symbol size.

ISSN: 2052-5206
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