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Figure 2
Source Function analysis of electron-delocalization effects in an unsaturated six-membered ring system with increasing π-electron conjugation. From left to right, SF% data for cyclohexene, 1,3-cyclohexadiene and benzene. The reference point is (top) at the b.c.p. of the shortest CC bond and (bottom) at points located ± 1 a.u. above the molecular plane and displaced along the b.c.p. major axis direction. SF% contributions for the next-neighbors, nn, and the farthest C atoms (denoted as `others', ot) are given numerically and displayed as spheres whose volume is proportional to the contribution magnitude (blue, positive; yellow, negative). The sum of SF% contributions from the two bonded atoms, ba, whose relevant b.c.p. is taken as the reference point, is also numerically reported (adapted from Fig. 1[link] and Scheme 1, from Monza et al., 2011BB37 with permission; Copyright 2011, American Chemical Society).

ISSN: 2052-5206
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