Figure 15
High-pressure phase diagram of MgSO4·11D2O as deduced from this work. The solid red lines depict the P,T paths followed in our three experiments (note that the two higher-pressure experiments followed the same path); the open circles report transitions seen in the Paris–Edinburgh press and the filled circle the transition seen in the gas cell. The location of the binary MgSO4–D2O system eutectic is estimated by assuming a uniform melting point depression with respect to pure D2O ice (cf. Bridgman, 1935 ; Pistorius, 1968 ). The solid curve represents our proposed peritectic, which passes through the known room-pressure incongruent melting point and the two high-pressure transitions. The label (1) indicates the sequence of diffraction patterns given in Fig. 12 . The label (2) indicates the sequence of diffraction patterns given in Fig. 9 . The `error' bars on the points reflect the size of the P–T increments between successive diffraction patterns (the P and T loci of which have their own, smaller, uncertainties) and are therefore simply `bracketing' the phase transition pressures and temperatures. |