Figure 9
Unit-cell parameters of MS9 as a function of pressure at 240 K. Open symbols correspond to data measured in a TiZr gas cell on HRPD (Series 4), whereas the filled symbol was measured in a Paris–Edinburgh press on PEARL/HiPr (Fortes et al., 2017 ). Solid lines are least-squares fits of equation (6) to all of the data, whereas the dashed red lines are fits only to the gas cell data. The fitted parameters are listed in Table 4 . Panel (f) summarizes the relative variation of each unit-cell parameter with pressure. (g) Principal linear compressibilities and (h) volume compressibility of MS9 at 240 K. Solid lines are derived from fitting equation (6) to both the HRPD and PEARL/HiPr data, whereas the dashed lines are derived from fitting only to the HRPD gas-cell data. Symbols with error bars show the moving-average derivatives calculated from the observed unit-cell parameters. Panel (i) shows the angle between the stiffest direction in the crystal, and the c-axis. |