Figure 2
X-ray crystal structure of (3)2 C60. (a) Initial mFo–DFc electron-density OMIT map (green) contoured at 3.0σ of the fullerene molecule and the 2mFo–DFc map (blue) of the whole capsule contoured at 1.5σ (the asymmetric unit contains only of the capsule, R ≈ 30%). (b) Eight halves of the fullerene moiety in the unit cell (forming four molecules of C60) shown in the final 2mFo–DFc electron-density map contoured at 2.0σ. The four complete disordered C60 molecules (two pairs: red–green and blue–yellow) lying on the fourfold axis are shown, viewed along the crystallographic c axis. (c)/(d) A stick representation of the final structure with refined disorder of the C60 molecule. |