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Figure 4
Neutron diffraction patterns for R2Ni1.78In collected at T = 1.6 K for R = (a) Tb, (b) Ho, (c) Er and (d) Tm (open circles), with the results of the Rietveld refinements (red lines) and the difference curves (bottom blue lines). In panels (a), (b) and (d) the difference patterns are obtained by subtraction of the pattern collected in the paramagnetic state from the pattern collected in the magnetically ordered state at T = 1.6 K. The first and second rows of vertical bars refer to the positions of reflections of nuclear and magnetic origin, respectively (the positions of nuclear reflections in the difference patterns are shown for reference only). The propagation vectors describing the magnetic structure are as follows: (a) k1 = [¼, ¼, ½] and (b) k2 = [0.31, 0.31, ½], while in (c) and (d) two propagation vectors (k1 = [¼, ¼, ½] and [{\bf k}_{1}^{\prime\prime\prime}] = [−¼, ¼, −½]) are taken into consideration. In addition, the third row in (a) refers to magnetic reflections arising from magnetic ordering in the Tb2Ni2In impurity phase (Szytuła et al., 2013BB1). The third and fourth rows in (c) indicate nuclear reflections related to the Er5Ni2In4 (Gondek et al., 2012BB7) [16.8 (2.3) wt%] and Er2O3 (Maslen et al., 1996BB14) [6.3 (5) wt%] impurities. The third and fourth rows in (d) refer to the magnetic ordering in Tm5Ni2In4 (Szytuła et al., 2014BB21) [10.8 (1.4) wt%] and Tm2Ni2In (Baran et al., 2017BB1) [6.6 (8) wt%]. Selected 2θ regions in (a) have been excluded from the refinement as they contain anomalies arising from shifts in nuclear reflections due to thermal evolution of the unit-cell parameters.

ISSN: 2052-5206
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