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Figure 1
Views of the structure of BILJIR (Gelbrich et al., 2013BB22), which has approximate layer symmetry c211. (a) Projection along [1[\overline{1}]0] showing the (001) layers. (b) View of the (001) layer marked in (a) as rotated by 90° around the vertical, as well as views of that layer as projected edge on. The approximate symmetry elements of layer group c211 (axes [110] and [1[\overline{1}]0]) are shown. Adjacent layers are offset by approximately [110]/4. In this and the following drawings, the C atoms are colored by residue number and the heteroatoms are colored by atom type. When shown, the axes a, b and c of the P1 cell are colored red, green and blue, respectively. Approximate symmetry elements are shown in blue.

ISSN: 2052-5206
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