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Figure 11
(a) Cross sections of a regular hexa­gon with run index i = 9, a [111] growth axis and six {110} inter­faces. The maximum expansive morphing shown corresponds to morph indices k1 = k2 = k3 = −9. For atom colours, refer to Fig. 4[link]. A smaller cross section [i = 5, even series, see König & Smith (2021BB12)] is shown by purple atoms and the corresponding maximum expansive morphing by cyan atoms. (b) Cross section showing expansive morphing, with i = 9, k1 = 0, k2 = −9 and k3 = −5. (c) Cross section showing reductive morphing, with i = 9, k1 = 9, k2 = −9 and k3 = −5. For a detailed geometrical derivation of characteristic lengths and areas, refer to Appendix C[link].

ISSN: 2052-5206
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