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Figure 12
(a) Cross sections of a regular hexa­gon with run index i = 5, a [111] growth axis and six {11[\overline{2}]} inter­faces. The maximum expansive morphing shown corresponds to morph indices k1 = k2 = k3 = −4. The two black atoms are located in the centre of the cross section in the same lateral position, i.e. on top of each other. For other atom colours, we refer to Fig. 4[link]. A smaller cross section [i = 3, even series, see König & Smith (2021BB12)] is shown by magenta atoms and the corresponding maximum expansive morphing by cyan atoms. (b) Cross section showing expansive morphing, with i = 5, k1 = −2, k2 = 0 and k3 = −4. (c) Cross section showing reductive morphing, with i = 5, k1 = −1, k2 = 2 and k3 = −4. For a detailed geometrical derivation of characteristic lengths and areas, refer to Appendix C[link].

ISSN: 2052-5206
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