Figure 9
(a) Cross section of the regular hexagon with a [110] growth axis, {001} top and bottom interfaces, and {111} side interfaces, run index i = 6 and maximum extensive morphing (j = k1 = k2 = −5); regular cross section (j = k1 = k2 = 0) is shown by translucent yellow lines and nominal interfaces in morphing directions are shown by yellow atoms. For atom colours, refer to Fig. 4 . A smaller cross section [i = 3, even series; see König & Smith (2021 )] is shown by purple atoms and the corresponding maximum expansive morphing by cyan atoms. Translucent lines were added to show the respective spatial limits. (b) Morphed cross section with i = 6, j = −3, k1 = −1 and k2 = −4. Interface lengths and associated labels are shown by translucent green lines, defining the area covered by the NWire cross section; see also Fig. 16 for outer triangular and offset sub-areas. (c) Morphed cross section with i = 6, j = 1, k1 = 4 and k2 = −4. White spheres present `ghost atoms' to show nominal cross section. For a detailed geometrical derivation of characteristic lengths and areas, refer to Appendix A . |