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Figure 12
Geometric relations for the wurtzite lattice structure along the c = [0001] growth vector. The unit cell in the {0001} plane is shown in yellow and its relevant lattice vectors a1, a2 and a3 are shown in blue. The unit area [A_{\hexagon}] (grey–green) for the {0001} plane is defined by the area of a six-membered ring, consisting of six equilateral triangles [A_{\Delta}] = [{1 \over 6}\,A_{\hexagon}] (red). The distance increments required for calculating the lengths of the {1000} and [\{1\bar{1}00\}] interfaces are shown by [s_{\rm IF,1\bar{1}00}] and [s_{\rm IF,1000}], respectively, with local atomic bonds shown. As an auxiliary parameter, we show the height [h_{\Delta}] and its relevant fractions of the congruent equilateral triangles. All length parameters other than the lattice vectors are shown in purple. Grey lines show the [\{1\bar{1}00\}] interfaces, which require some additional derivations in terms of fractional [h_{\Delta}] and a fractional area [A_{\triangleright}] = [{1 \over 3}\,A_{\Delta}]. A scheme of relevant lattice vectors within the {0001} plane is shown on the upper left, with c being orthogonal to the {0001} plane; indices shown in grey present alternative combinations of lattice vectors.

ISSN: 2052-5206
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