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Figure 2
Periodic unit cell (UC) of a wurtzite solid with lattice vectors a1, a2 and a3, viz. [a_{\rm uc}] = [|{\bf a_{\nu}}|], and c, viz. [c_{\rm uc} = |{\bf c}|], space group P63mc (wurtzite) covered in this work, such as gallium nitride (w-GaN). The orange (Ga) and grey–blue (N) atoms framed in dark green show the primitive UC. The full w-UC is formed by including atoms shaded in light grey (Ga) and dark grey (N), and is outlined in bright green. All atoms at the lateral periodic boundaries, i.e. for all [{\bf a_{\nu}}] ≠ 0 and [{\bf c} =] constant, were shown to facilitate UC visualization. The NGa3 (left) and GaN3 (right) tetrahedra interlinked within a couple of corrugated atomic planes are shown by magenta lines.

ISSN: 2052-5206
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