Figure 9
The formation of different types of twins in dual-doped SnO2 during heating up to 1430°C; red line is the sample densification curve according to Tominc et al. (2018 ). (a) Inhomogeneous distribution of the dopants (CoO, red; Nb2O5, orange) among nanosized SnO2 (gray) particles the starting compact. (b) The formation of CoNb2O6 seed particles (green) and contact twins nuclei at around 700°C and (c) the formation of Co4Nb2O9 seeds (purple) and contact and multiple cyclic twins nuclei at around 900°C. (b) and (c) represent the twin nucleation stage, which is bound to limited densification at temperatures up to ∼1300°C. (d) The twin growth stage coincides with accelerated densification and SnO2 grain growth above 1300°C. During this stage, the twin nuclei develop into cassiterite twins due to the fast growth of (101) twin contacts. The seed grains recrystallize to SnO2, Co2+ and Nb5+ are incorporated into SnO2 grains in the form of solid solution and seed grains are no longer present at the TBs and in the cyclic twin cores in the form of crystalline particles. |