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Figure 9
STEM simulations (left) and corresponding electron diffraction (ED) patterns (right) for the relaxed structures of tetradymite (15R), aleksite (21R and 42R) and saddlebackite (9H and 18H) shown on the [[11{\bar 2}0]] zone axis. Unit-cell parameters a and c and the interlayer distance dsub for each structure are tabulated in Table 4[link]. The ribbon below each STEM image is cropped from the ED patterns, showing the number of reflections and their intensity variations along the [d_{\rm sub}^{*}] interval. Two modulation vectors (q and qF) underpinning structural modulation are marked by arrows. The atom layer arrangement for each structure is marked by circles (cyan = Te, red = Bi, yellow = S and green = Pb). Layer stacks within all structures are placed top right on the figure. Note that simulations for saddlebackite (9H and 18H) were carried out with space group P1 rather than [P{\bar 3}m1].

ISSN: 2052-5206
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