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Figure 3
Dependence of the energy value of hydrogen bonds, EH bond (a), quantum electronic pressure (QEP) (b) and bond distances (H⋯O) (c) at the hydrogen bond critical points in β- and β′-glycine on external compression. An increase in EH bond corresponds to a decrease in QEP. The gap corresponds to a 0.76 GPa phase transition and separates the region of existence of the low-pressure phase from the region of existence of the high-pressure phase. Symmetry codes of acceptors in hydrogen bonds: (I) −x, y + ½, −z; (II) x, y, z − 1; (III) −x, y + ½, −z; (IV) −x, y + ½, −z + 1. Connecting lines are made using B-spline fitting to facilitate the visualization of trends and are guides for the eye.

ISSN: 2052-5206
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