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Figure 7
Electron density of glycine. (a) At critical points of hydrogen bonds for β and β′ phases as a function of pressure. The gap corresponds to a 0.76 GPa phase transition and separates the region where the low-pressure phase exists from the high-pressure phase existence region, in accordance with experimental data (Tumanov et al., 2008BB123); (b) in β′-glycine in the plane of molecular layers. The black dotted line corresponds to bond II, the red dotted line corresponds to the hypothetical bond II′ (not confirmed). Isolines interval is 0.02 a.u. Symmetry codes of acceptors in hydrogen bonds: (I) −x, y + ½, −z; (II) x, y, z − 1; (III) −x, y + ½, −z; (IV) −x, y + ½, −z + 1.

ISSN: 2052-5206
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