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Figure 5
Mercury-rendered overlay diagrams exhibiting conformational polymorphism of LAM ethanol (1:1) solvates (see Table 2[link]). (a) Overlay diagram of the same SCXRD molecular structure at room temperature (CCDC number 1483194 – yellow) and at 100 K (CCDC number 1826282 – red). (b) Overlay diagram of molecular structures with CCDC numbers 981033 (blue), 148195 (green) and 1826282 (red) exhibiting different spatial orientation of 1,2,4-triazine rings of LAM molecules in three structures [see Figs. 4[link](c) and 4[link](d)]; for crystal packing differences in forms I and II, see Section 3.1.3[link]. The overlays have been quantified via RMSD determination.

ISSN: 2052-5206
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