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Figure 3
Slices of the reconstructed reciprocal space of the SnGe4N4O4 phase of Cr1_HH228. (a) Viewing direction [110] showing the [h{\bar h}0l] reflections. For 000l reflections, l = 2n is clearly visible, no other extinctions are visible. (b) Viewing direction [[1{\bar 1}0]] showing the [hh{\overline {2h}}l] reflections, l = 2n is only violated by weak reflections. The grid shown in the figures represents the corresponding projections of the reciprocal unit cell onto the image plane. As a* and b* are not parallel to this plane in the given viewing directions, the grid points representing the projection of a* or b* onto the image plane are not occupied by reflections in the zero layer of the reciprocal space, however in higher layers above and below.

ISSN: 2052-5206
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