Figure 4
Images of the reconstructed reciprocal space. (a) The projection of the reciprocal space of Cr3_HH266 viewed down [010] showing the unit cell of the 6R polytype with the threefold superstructure along c*. (b) The [010] projection of Cr2_HH266 with much less additional reflections along c* compared to (a). The reciprocal unit cell corresponds to the nolanite-type phase. (c) reflections of Cr3_HH266, i.e. a single slice of the reciprocal space, cut out of the projection in (a). In comparison to Cr2_HH266 additional streaks are visible. (d) reflections of Cr2_HH266. The systematic extinctions of the c-glide plane are slightly violated due to additional reflections from the rhombohedral phase. The grid represents the projection of the reciprocal unit cell onto the image plane. |