research papers

The incommensurate composite YxOs4B4 (x = 1.161)
aX-Ray Centre, TU Wien, Getreidemarkt 9, 1060 Vienna, Austria, and bInstitute of Solid State Physics, TU Wien, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8–10, 1040 Vienna, Austria
*Correspondence e-mail: bstoeger@mail.tuwien.ac.at
YxOs4B4 (x = 1.161) crystallizes as a tetragonal incommensurate composite of columns of Y atoms extending along [001] in an Os4B4 framework. The structure was refined using the approach. The basic structure of the Y subsystem can be idealized as having I4/mmm symmetry, with a crystallographically unique Y atom located on the 4/mmm position. The actual symmetry is P42/nmc(00σ3)s0s0. The Y atoms feature only subtle positional modulation in the [001] direction. The Os4B4 subsystem [P42/ncm(00σ3)00ss symmetry] is built of columns of edge-sharing Os4 tetrahedra extending along [001] and B2 dumbbells. The Os4 tetrahedra feature pronounced positional modulation with a distinct variation of the Os—Os bond lengths. Modulation of the B2 dumbbells is best described as a rotation about the [001] axis.
B-IncStrDB reference: wgToiDUSNfn
CCDC reference: 2389397
1. Introduction
The borides RM4B4 (R = rare earth metal, M = transition metal) constitute a family of compounds exhibiting a rich variety of interesting physical properties (superconductivity, ferromagnetism, re-entrant superconductivity) (Johnston & Braun, 1982; Maple et al., 1982
). Depending on the R and M constituents, these compounds crystallize in four structure types, CeCo4B4 (space group P42/nmc) (Ku'zma & Bilonizhko, 1972
), LuRu4B4 (space group I41/acd) (Johnston, 1977
), LuRh4B4 (space group Ccca) (Yvon & Johnston, 1982
) and NdCo4B4 (space group P42/n) (Ku'zma & Bilonizhko, 1978
), which can be considered as a family of (Yvon & Johnston, 1982
). The common structural units of all these structures are B—B dumbbells, M4 tetrahedra and columns of R atoms.
Despite the spectacular properties of reported RM4B4 compounds, the borides with M = Os have not been studied sufficiently. The NdCo4B4 structure was proved for ROs4B4 (R = La–Nd, Sm); a different but unknown structural variant has been suggested for compounds of 1–4–4 stoichiometry occurring in the R–Os–B system when R is a heavy rare earth element or yttrium (Rogl, 1979; Ku, 1980
In continuation of our studies of the Y–Os–B system (Sologub et al., 2007), we explored the B-rich corner and obtained phases with composition YxOs4B4 with x close to one. Careful examination of single-crystal X-ray diffraction data revealed the structural complexities of this compound, reminiscent of those found in related boride systems with other transition metals (Zavalij et al., 1994
; Bezinge et al., 1985
Structurally, YxOs4B4 belongs to a family of compounds with a structure derived from NdCo4B4. These RxM4B4 compounds crystallize in tetragonal commensurate or incommensurate composite structures (van Smaalen, 2007) of R columns contained in an M4B4 framework. The incommensurability of YxOs4B4 has been observed by Zavalij et al. (1994
) but no structure has been published up to now. Other known members of the family are various iron borides Rx(Fe4B4) (Bezinge et al., 1985
) and the manganese borides Prx(Mn4B4) and Prx(Re4B4) (Zavalij et al., 1994
To the best of our knowledge, refinements of these structures have always been restricted to either individual subsystems or to commensurate approximants. Here, we report on the synthesis of YxOs4B4 and the of its incommensurate structure using the approach (Wolff et al., 1981).
2. Experimental
2.1. Synthesis
A sample with a total weight of 0.5 g was synthesized by arc melting appropriate amounts of the constituent elements in stoichiometry ∼1:4:4 under a Ti-gettered high-purity argon atmosphere on a water-cooled copper hearth. Pieces of yttrium (ChemPur, Germany, 99.9 mass%), crystalline boron (ChemPur, Germany, 99.8 mass%) and re-melted pellets of compacted osmium powder (Sigma–Aldrich, USA, 99.9 mass%) were used as starting materials. The arc-melted button was cut into pieces, from which a larger portion of alloy was wrapped in tantalum foil and vacuum-sealed in a quartz tube for annealing at 800°C for 240 h. Crystals were isolated via mechanical fragmentation of the annealed alloy. Single-crystal κ geometry, Mo Kα radiation).
data were collected for the specimen of best quality, which was verified via preliminary inspection on a four-circle Bruker APEX II diffractometer (CCD detector,2.2. Single-crystal diffraction
Intensity data from a tiny crystal of the title compound were collected at 300 K in a dry stream of nitrogen on a Stoe STADIVARI diffractometer system equipped with a Mo Kα micro-source and a DECTRIS Eiger CdTe hybrid photon-counting (HPC) detector. Data were processed using X-AREA (Stoe & Cie GmbH, 2021). Data reduction was performed as a 3+1-dimensional modulated structure with satellites up to the second order. Corrections for absorption effects were applied using the multi-scan approach followed by a spherical absorption correction implemented in LANA (Stoe & Cie GmbH, 2021
). An initial model was derived from the published data of related boride phases. The structure was refined with JANA2006 (Petříček et al., 2014
). Data collection and details are compiled in Table 1
and an overview of the cell parameters and symmetries of the two subsystems is given in Table 2
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Indexing of the diffraction pattern
YxOs4B4 is an incommensurate composite of two tetragonal subsystems, Os4O4 and Y. Let and
be the reciprocal bases of these two subsystems, which share the a* and b* basis vectors. Note that, by convention, we write reciprocal bases as columns, as indicated by the superscript T, since they transform as contravariant tensors (Sands, 2002
). In a classical treatment of an incommensurate composite, the reflections would be indexed using the four-dimensional basis
. The first three basis vectors correspond to the reciprocal basis of Os4B4, which is used as the `reference system' because it contributes significantly more to the diffraction intensity than the Y subsystem.
The satellite order of the hklmY reflection (subscript Y since =
) is then given by
. However, the observed diffraction intensities suggested a different integration approach. Since cOsB/cY ≃
, the structure can be approximated by a sixfold with respect to the Os4B4 subsystem, or sevenfold with respect to the Y subsystem. Fig. 1
gives the average reflection intensity by |l| when integrated in such a super-cell setting. The main reflections of the Os4B4 subsystem are marked in blue and those of the Y subsystem in yellow. The figure shows that |l| = 6n ± 1 reflections, which are located next to the Os4B4 subsystem's main reflections (|l| = 6n), are in general stronger than the Y subsystem's main reflections (|l| = 7n).
![]() | Figure 1 Average reflection intensities plotted versus |l| when integrated as a sixfold (Os4B4) or sevenfold (Y) Yellow (Os4B4) and blue (Y) indicate main reflections of the corresponding subsystem. The |l| = 21 and |l| = 28 reflections discussed in the text are marked by arrows. |
Therefore, we applied a change of reciprocal basis to with
according to the following scheme.
Expressed with respect to , we obtain q =
, with σ3 = 0.16134 (8) ≃
. We used this cell and modulation vector and integrated with satellites up to the second order. The residuals listed in Table 1
are given with respect to this satellite order. Reflection indices with respect to this basis will be given with a subscript q.
Note that the two indexing approaches are in fact different. For example, the l = 28 reflections are hk04Y main reflections with respect to the basis or
second-order satellites with respect to
. These are indeed different reflections in reciprocal when transforming
back, one obtains the indexes
, i.e. still a second-order satellite. Since the intensity of this reflection is dominated by the second-order satellite, it is reasonable to integrate using q as the modulation wavevector.
This highlights the fundamental problem of reflection overlap: hk04Y and will both contribute to the integrated reflection intensity. However, the JANA2006 software can detect close reflections and will treat these intensities as the sum of two reflections. From a and symmetry point of view, these two settings are therefore equivalent.
Likewise, the weak reflections halfway between the Os4B4 main reflections (hkl3q and ) could not be properly resolved into the m = 3 and m = −3 components. When including these reflections in the integration, the reliability factors of the refinements (and also of the main and low-order satellite reflections) worsened. An integration using the sixfold (with respect to the Os4Y4 system) and transformation into the incommensurate cell likewise led to distinctly worsened reliability factors. Ultimately, we therefore only used satellites up to the second order. This means that the hk03Y and
main reflections of the Y subsystem were not included in the refinements (see Fig. 1
). However, this appears acceptable, given all the other Y subsystem main reflections are included (even if indirectly).
The reflection overlap likewise affects the evaluation of the length of the q vector and consequently the evaluation of the chemical composition. Different lengths were obtained from different data reduction strategies (e.g. different maximum satellite order or independent integration of both subsystems).
The length given here was derived from the integration used for the refinements (with satellites up to the second order). It has to be stressed, however, that the actual uncertainty in the length of q is larger than that determined by the integration software. In all integration attempts, σ3 was distinctly smaller than and inspection of the images showed splitting or enlargement of satellites in the c* direction, confirming the incommensurate character of the structure.
3.2. embedding
Each subsystem of an incommensurate composite is modulated with a modulation wave corresponding to the periodicity of the other subsystem(s). Thus, it is useful to embed the structure in d-dimensional (here d = 1) symmetry. However, as noted by van Smaalen (1991) and Zeiner & Janssen (2003
), the peculiar situation arises that, when transforming from one subsystem to the other, non-equivalent groups may be obtained. In fact, in YxOs4B4, the Os4B4 subsystem has P42/ncm(00σ3)00ss and the Y subsystem has P42/nmc(00σ3)s0s0 symmetry (note the interchanging of the direction of the n glides and the m reflections). The origin of the Y subsystem is moved by
in the x4 direction with respect to the Os4B4 subsystem.
Fig. 2 schematizes (not to scale) an (x3, x4) section of of such a In particular, it shows the embedding of a Y atom (gray lines) and an Os atom (blue lines), assuming the absence of positional modulation and point-shaped atoms. The real-space structure is given by a t = const section perpendicular to a4, as indicated by a dotted line. The Os lines, since they belong to the `reference system', are parallel to a4 and spaced by cOsB. The Y line is inclined in such a way that the Y atoms in a t = const section are spaced by cY.
![]() | Figure 2 A diagram of the superspace embedding of YxOs4B4 in without positional modulation. The Y (gray) and Os (blue) atoms are represented by lines projected on the (x3, x4) plane. |
The relative slope of the Y line is −(1 + σ3). Note that traditionally one would use the vector cOsB − (1 + σ3)a4 as the third basis vector a3, since then the Y lines extend parallel to a3. Here we chose a3 = cOsB − σ3a4, since this is the of the reciprocal basis used for integration (Section 3.1). In a sense, this is the reduced as the angle between a3 and a1, a2 is minimized, resulting in less-skewed unit cells in sections.
The slope of the Y lines is automatically implemented by the JANA2006 software when relating the reciprocal basis of the Y subsystem to the basis
using the W matrix. From equation (1)
it follows that
. Thus, the basis of the Y subsystem is given as
3.3. Basic structures
The two tetragonal subsystems share the a and b lattice basis vectors [a = b = 7.4495 (3) Å]. The space-group symmetries of the basic structures are obtained by ignoring the x4 component of the respective symmetry. Accordingly, the basic structure of the Os4B4 subsystem [Z = 2, cOsB = 4.09669 (15) Å] features P42/ncm symmetry (we use origin choice 1, the origin in ). It comprises one crystallographically unique Os and one B atom, both located on the 8i i.e on the m〈110〉 reflection planes. The Os atoms form columns of edge-sharing Os4 tetrahedra, generated by the 42 screw rotations (Fig. 3
). The shared edge represents the shortest Os—Os distance [2.6713 (3) Å] of the structure. Four symmetry-equivalent Os—Os contacts [2.7863 (4) Å] form the non-shared edges of the tetrahedra. The rods are connected by 2.8240 (3) Å Os—Os bonds [dotted line in Fig. 3
(b)], whereby these bonds are centered on 2〈110〉 rotation axes. The B atoms form B2 dumbbells [B—B bond length of 1.707 (8) Å] located on ..2/m positions (Fig. 3
). Note that the given geometric parameters were derived by refining against the main reflection of the Os4B4 subsystem, which technically results in the average structure, not the basic structure.
![]() | Figure 3 The P42/ncm basic structure of the Os4B4 subsystem viewed (a) down [001] and (b) down [100]. Os4 units are represented by blue tetrahedra and B atoms by pink spheres of arbitrary radius. The positions of the Y atoms in the Y subsystem are indicated by gray spheres in panel (a). |
The Y subsystem (Z = 2, cY = 3.5276 Å) is built of columns of Y atoms centered in the channels of the Os4B4 subsystem at x = y = 0 [Fig. 3(a)]. The basic structure has P42/nmc symmetry (origin choice 1 in
). Note again that this is a different space-group type from the OsB subsystem, with the directions of the c and m reflections inverted. One crystallographically unique Y molecule is located on the
position at x = y = z = 0.
The orbit of an atom is the set of all atoms generated by application of the et al., 1984). The orbit of the Y atom (located on the
position of P42/nmc) is non-characteristic with I4/mmm symmetry. Thus, if the Y atoms are considered as point charges or centrosymmetric electron distributions, the basic structure of the Y subsystem possesses I4/mmm symmetry, as has been reported earlier (Zavalij et al., 1994
). Due to the I centering, every second Y column is translated by cY/2 in a checkerboard pattern, as indicated by darker shading in Fig. 3
However, the interaction with the Os4B4 subsystem must not be neglected and the actual time- and space-averaged electron density of the Y position might not be centrosymmetric. This can be expressed by anharmonic atomic displacement parameters (ADPs). For the sake of argument, we might assume that the averaged electron density is tetrahedral in shape, which is compatible with the The Y rods at x = y = 0 and x = y =
are then inverted with respect to [001] and not related by a translation, i.e. the I centering is lost. A similar argument can be made for the positional modulation of the Y atom.
The chemical composition of YxOs4B4 is determined by the fraction of the unit-cell volumes of the basic structures of the subsystems: x = cOsB/cY = 1.161 ≃ .
3.4. Modulation of the Y subsystem
According to the c direction of the basic structure. No positional modulation is possible in the (a, b) plane. Since we expected at least a slight influence of the Os4B4 subsystem on the Y subsystem, the modulation of the x3 coordinate was modeled with harmonics up to the fourth order. Although such high-order harmonics might seem excessive for a data set with satellites up to the second order, they correspond to merely two modulation parameters, since only odd harmonics of even order [sin(2n2πtY), ] are allowed. Note that the argument to the modulation function depends only on tY, because Y is located at the origin of the basic structure. The subscript indicates that tY is given with respect to the Y system. In the remainder of this work t will be given with respect to the Os4B4 system.
The residuals on the satellite reflections improved when including the fourth-order parameter, and the refined value is more than five times its x3 = 0.0052 (5) sin(4πtY) + 0.0035 (6) sin(8πtY)]. Moreover, when including fourth-order terms, the range of Y—Y distances along the c axis (Fig. 4) match better with those of a commensurate refinement.
![]() | Figure 4 A t plot of Y—Y distances when modeling modulation of the z coordinate of Y with up to (red) second-order and (black) fourth-order harmonics. Here, in contrast to all other t plots in this work, the t coordinate is given with respect to the Y subsystem. |
The absolute positional modulation is very subtle and barely visible in ). Modulation of the ADPs did not improve the and therefore the ADPs of Y were modeled as constant over internal space.
![]() | Figure 5 A 6 Å wide (x3, x4) section of centered on the Y atom located at x1 = x2 = 0. The refined position of the Y atom is given by gray lines. Contours are drawn at the 20 e Å−3 level. |
3.5. Modulation of the Os4B4 subsystem
Positional modulation of Os was modeled with harmonics up to the fourth order and that of B with harmonics up to the second order. The amplitudes of even higher harmonics refined to less than twice their standard uncertainties. As for Y, owing to symmetry, perpendicular to the m〈110〉 reflection planes is possible, corresponding to two parameters per harmonic (one amplitude and one phase) versus six parameters for an atom on the general position (two per spatial dimension). For the second-order and fourth-order harmonics, displacement is possible parallel to the m〈110〉 planes, corresponding to four parameters. Modulation of the Os ADPs was modeled with harmonics up to the second order. Modulation of the B ADPs did not improve the fit and was therefore omitted. An overview of the employed modulation parameters in given in Table 3.
Displacement perpendicular to m〈110〉 is significantly more pronounced than in the plane (Fig. 6). No signs of discontinuity of the modulation functions were observed in the electron density (Fig. 7
![]() | Figure 6 The modulated YxOs4B4 structure viewed down [001]. In the Os columns, only the shared edges between adjacent tetrahedra are shown for clarity. The m〈110〉 planes on which the Os and B atoms are located in the basic structure are shown by the usual symbols. The gray background indicates the section shown later in Fig. 13. |
![]() | Figure 7 The 2 Å wide superspace sections in the (x1 + x2, x4) plane centered on (a) the Os and (b) the B atom, showing displacement away from the m[110] reflection plane on which the Os and B atoms are located in the basic structure. Contours are drawn at levels of (a) 50 e Å−3 and (b) 2 e Å−3. |
The modulation of the B2 dumbbells is best described as a rotation about the axis and symmetry equivalents (Fig. 6
), leading to practically constant B—B bond lengths (Fig. 8
). In contrast, the Os4 tetrahedra show significant distortions (Fig. 9
). In particular, the shortest Os—Os bonds, which correspond to the shared edges between Os4 tetrahedra, vary from 2.627 (4) to 2.740 (4) Å (red curve in Fig. 9
![]() | Figure 8 A t plot of B—B distances of the B2 dumbbells. |
![]() | Figure 9 A t plot of Os—Os distances (red: edge-linked adjacent Os4 tetrahedra, green: remaining tetrahedron edges, black: bond connecting tetrahedra in different columns). |
The B2 dumbbells connect adjacent Os columns. Fig. 10(a) shows two such adjacent Os columns and the connecting B2 dumbbells. The t dependence of the corresponding bond lengths is given in Fig. 10
(b). Both figures use the same color coding of the Os—B bonds. In general, each B atom is coordinated to four Os atoms. Two bonds connect Os atoms in two adjacent Os4 tetrahedra in the same Os column (green in Fig. 10
). A further bond is formed to the edge connecting these two tetrahedra. Owing to the positional modulation of the edge, the bond `switches' in internal space between the two Os atoms of the edge (represented by red and black in Fig. 10
). Finally, a fourth bond connects to the second Os column (yellow in Fig. 10
![]() | Figure 10 (a) Two adjacent Os columns connected by B2 dumbbells. Shared edges between Os4 tetrahedra are represented by thick lines and other Os—Os bonds by thin lines. (b) A t plot of Os—B distances. Color codes are discussed in the main text. |
3.6. Interactions of the subsystems
The pronounced modulation of the Os4B4 subsystem is certainly due to the interaction with the Y columns. Each Os and each B atom are connected to two Y columns (gray background in Fig. 6). Fig. 11
gives a comparison of the Os—Y distances in the modulated structure and the hypothetical structure without positional modulation. In the actual structure [Fig. 11
(a)], Os is in general coordinated to two Y atoms with approximately equal distances. In small parts of the internal space there are three close Y atoms. There, as expected, the Os—Y distances are slightly longer. Coordination in the hypothetical non-modulated structure [Fig. 11
(b)] is chemically less reasonable, with generally one very short (<3 Å) and one or two distant Y atoms. The coordination of the B atoms is similar, with regions of the internal space where B is close to two and other regions where it is close to three Y atoms (Fig. 12
). Given the minute modulation of the Y subsystem, one can conclude that the Os4B4 subsystem adapts to the Y subsystem but not vice versa. This explains why an integration as a modulated Os4B4 structure was more successful than a classical integration as an incommensurate composite structure (see Section 3.1
![]() | Figure 11 The t plots of the Os—Y distances in (a) actual YxOs4B4 and (b) the hypothetical structure without positional modulation. |
![]() | Figure 12 The t plots of the B—Y distances. |
The connectivity of Os/B columns to the two adjacent Y columns (gray background in Fig. 6) is shown in Fig. 13
. Note that the average positions of the Y atoms in the two Y columns are translated by cY/2, which corresponds to the pseudo-I centering of the basic structure of the Y subsystem.
![]() | Figure 13 A column of Os and B atoms with adjacent Y atoms (marked by the gray background in Fig. 6), viewed down |
4. Conclusion and outlook
YxOs4B4 is an incommensurate composite where one subsystem (Os4B4) is significantly more modulated than the other (Y). Therefore, processing the raw data as if it were a regular modulated structure of the Os4B4 subsystem was preferred over a classical treatment as a composite system. Despite the issues of overlapping reflections, which are typical for aperiodic structures, a satisfying was achieved, proving the robustness of single-crystal diffraction.
A detailed investigation of the physical properties of YxOs4B4, including density functional theory calculations, will be published in an upcoming paper.
The authors acknowledge TU Wien Bibliothek for financial support through its Open Access Funding Program.
Funding information
The following funding is acknowledged: Austrian Science Fund (grant No. P31979-N36 to Oksana Sologub).
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