research papers

5(PO4)3OHδ within the LK-99 mixture
of PbaDepartment of Chemistry, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA
*Correspondence e-mail:
During the synthetic exploration targeting the polycrystalline compound LK-99, an unexpected phase, Pb5(PO4)3OHδ, was identified as a byproduct. We elucidated the composition of this compound through single-crystal X-ray Subsequent synthesis of the target compounds was achieved via high-temperature solid-state pellet reactions. The newly identified Pb5(PO4)3OHδ has an orthorhombic with Pnma, representing a unique structure differing from the hexagonal apatite phases of Pb10(PO4)6O and Pb5(PO4)3OH. Comprehensive temperature- and magnetic-field-dependent magnetization studies unveiled a temperature-independent magnetic characteristic of Pb5(PO4)3OHδ. Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy was employed to decipher the origins of the phase stability and confirm the presence of hydrogen atoms in Pb5(PO4)3OHδ. These investigations revealed the presence of protonated oxygen sites, in addition to the interstitial water molecules within the structure, which may play critical roles in stabilizing the orthorhombic phase.
Keywords: orthorhombic apatite; superconductivity; LK-99.
CCDC reference: 2391128
1. Introduction
After the claim of the discovery of an ambient-pressure room-temperature superconductor (Tc > 400 K) LK-99, (Pb10−xCux)(PO4)6O (Lee, Kim & Kwon, 2023), with a subsequent report of a levitation experiment at room temperature indicating strong diamagnetic signals (Lee, Kim, Kim et al., 2023
), LK-99 has garnered unprecedented attention. Despite numerous attempts by various research groups to replicate and verify the superconductivity of LK-99 (Zhu et al., 2023
; Timokhin et al., 2023
; Kumar et al., 2023
; Wu et al., 2023
; Hou et al., 2023
), increasing experimental evidence has begun to cast doubt on its superconducting nature (Garisto, 2023
In the quest to unravel the mysteries of LK-99's superconductivity, our investigation has led to the discovery of several new phases. Among these, the novel structure of hydroxylpyromorphite, Pb5(PO4)3OHδ, stands out and is different from the conventional hexagonal phase known for Pb10(PO4)6O (Brückner et al., 1995; Kim et al., 1997
; Barinova et al., 1998
). The compound Pb10(PO4)6O has been termed oxypyromorphite, a nomenclature that underscores its structural resemblance to pyromorphite, Pb5(PO4)3Cl, and hydroxylpyromorphite, Pb5(PO4)3(OH), which adopts an apatite-like hexagonal structure, wherein O2− anions substitute for the halide ions typically found in apatite structures. This substitution suggests the presence of vacancies at some halide sites, in contrast to the original proposition of a (Pb2+)9(Pb4+)(PO4)6O2 formula (Ito, 1968
), which would negate the need for such vacancies. However, further studies confirmed the absence of Pb4+ cations in oxypyromorphite (Merker et al., 1970
). Despite its intriguing properties, detailed analysis of oxypyromorphite has yet to be carried out. In addition, the lead-based compounds Pb4O(PO4)2, Pb8O5(PO4)2 and Pb10(PO4)6O have been studied for several decades (Yang et al., 2001
; Brixner & Foris, 1973
; Krivovichev & Burns, 2003
). The ferro-elastic Pb8O5(PO4)2 and its vanadium analog Pb8O5(VO4)2 (Dudnik & Kolesov, 1980
; Kiosse et al., 1982
) have also been discovered. Although X-ray and optical analyses on the single crystals of these compounds have been conducted, the crystal structures of both remain unresolved.
In this study, we present a synthetic strategy for the new Pb5(PO4)3OHδ compound using a high-temperature solid-state pellet reaction. Millimetre-sized single crystals were obtained from the reaction. Single-crystal and powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) experiments were conducted to determine the and confirm the phase information. Accordingly, Pb5(PO4)3OHδ was found to crystallize in the orthorhombic with the Pnma. Different from the hexagonal apatite phase Pb10(PO4)6O with the balanced charge of (Pb2+)10(PO43−)6O2−, the compound of Pb5(PO4)3O cannot be charge-balanced with the sole existence of Pb2+ and full occupancies on all atomic sites. To confirm the existence of a proton (H+) to balance the charge in Pb5(PO4)3OHδ, high-magnetic-field (800 MHz or 18.8 T) solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was used to determine the chemical environments of proton sites and the presence of water molecules in the system.
2. Synthesis and experimental methods
2.1. Chemical synthesis
Pb5(PO4)3OHδ crystals were synthesized in two steps. The first step was synthesis of the precursors. The mixture of PbO (99.3%, BAKER ANALYZED) and PbSO4 (99.1%, BAKER ANALYZED) was heated under a vacuum for 24 h with 1:1 mole ratio. After the reaction, we obtained the Pb2(SO4)O precursor with Pb3(SO4)O2 (∼1.5 at.%]) impurity. Another precursor is Cu3P, obtained by heating Cu powder (99.9%, Alfa Aesar) and P powder (99%, Beantown Chemical) for 48 h at 550°C under vacuum. The molar ratio of Cu and P was 3:1 and the powder XRD results of the two precursors are shown in the supporting information (Figs. S1a and S1b). The second step was mixing Pb2(SO4)O and Cu3P in the ratio 5:3, remaining at 925°C for 20 h. Millimetre-size single crystals of Pb5(PO4)3OHδ were obtained. All the reaction products were powder pressed using a 0.25 inch (internal diameter) dry pellet pressing die made of carbon steel. A 2 ml alumina cylindrical crucible held the pressed pellet before it was sealed in a fused silica tube under vacuum with around 30 mTorr pressure. After the solid-state reaction, transparent single-crystalline samples can easily be identified on the bottom pellet, which can be separated from black-colored polycrystalline chunks and copper-colored solidified drops on the surface of the black chunks. The rest of the measurements were done using the single crystals separated mechanically from the mixture.
2.2. and phase analysis
Pb5(PO4)3OHδ forms transparent, rod-like, brittle single crystals. A single crystal was selected, mounted on a nylon loop with Paratone oil and measured using an XtalLAB Synergy, Dualflex, Hypix single-crystal X-ray diffractometer. Data were collected using ω scans with Mo Kα radiation (λ = 0.71073 Å) and Ag Kα radiation (λ = 0.56087 Å), a micro-focus sealed X-ray tube, 65 kV, 0.67 mA. The total number of runs and images was based on the strategy calculation from the CrysAlisPro (Rigaku OD, 2017) program. Data reduction was performed with correction for A numerical absorption correction was applied based on Gaussian integration over a multifaceted crystal model (Parkin et al., 1995
). Empirical absorption correction used spherical harmonics, implemented in the SCALE3 ABSPACK scaling algorithm (Walker & Stuart, 1983
). The structure was solved and refined using the SHELXTL software package (Sheldrick, 2015a
, Sheldrick, 2015b
). Tables 1
and 2
show the results of the single-crystal XRD. For the powder XRD measurements, single crystals were ground in an agate mortar and pestle, and the powder placed onto the 20 × 20 × 0.5 mm Rigaku Square groove. Powder XRD measurements were carried out using a Rigaku MiniFlex powder diffractometer in Bragg–Brentano geometry with Cu Kα radiation (λ = 1.5406 Å). Room-temperature measurements were performed with a step size of 0.01° at a scan speed of 0.5° per minute over a (2θ) range of 10–90°. GSAS II (Toby & Von Dreele, 2013
) was used to perform the and analyze phase information.
2.3. Solid-state NMR spectroscopy for detecting protons
1H solid-state NMR experiments were conducted on a Bruker NEO spectrometer with a narrow-bore magnet with B0 = 18.8 T [ν0(1H) = 800 MHz] at room temperature (298 K). Spectra were acquired using a Phoenix NMR 1.6 mm HXY magic-angle spinning (MAS) probe with samples packed into 1.6 mm (outer diameter) zirconia rotors. The MAS frequency was set to 8 kHz. 1H chemical shifts were referenced to alanine (δiso = 1.38 p.p.m.) as a secondary reference with respect to tetramethylsilane (δiso = 0 p.p.m.). All 1H spectra were acquired using a rotor-synchronized Hahn echo (90°–τ–180° acquisition) with 2.5 µs (100 kHz) π/2 pulses, an interpulse delay (τ) of 500 µs and a recycle delay of 2 s (see Table S1 for further details). Spectra were processed in TopSpin 4.1 (Bruker), and simulations of all spectra were prepared using ssNake v1.3 (van Meerten et al., 2019).
2.4. Magnetic measurements
Temperature- and magnetic-field-dependent DC and vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM) magnetization data were collected using a Quantum Design Magnetic Property Measurement System (MPMS3). Temperature- and magnetic-field-dependent DC magnetization measurements were taken on the powder sample loaded in the powder sample holder and put into a brass half-tube sample holder. In VSM measurements, a peak amplitude of 5 mm and an average of 2 s were used. An empty powder sample holder was measured under the same conditions to estimate the background to be subtracted from the measurements.
3. Results and discussion
The 5(PO4)3OHδ exhibits similarities to apatite-like lead compounds, including pyromorphite [Pb5(PO4)3Cl], hydroxylapatite [Pb5(PO4)3(OH)] and the LK-99 precursor, Pb10(PO4)6O. Previous determinations of hydroxylapatite's structure, through neutron and X-ray powder identified the OH group positioned at the 4e Wyckoff site with a 0.5 site occupation factor (Kim et al., 1997). In contrast, Barinova et al.'s using single-crystal diffraction data located the OH group at the 2b site, indicating full occupancy – a characteristic more aligned with the halide ion positions in pyromorphite-like compounds (Pb5(PO4)3X, where X = F, Cl (Barinova et al., 1998
). The structural framework of Pb10(PO4)6O mirrors that of hydroxylapatite, with the O4 atom situated at the 4e site, albeit with a reduced occupation factor of 0.25. Our investigation into a single crystal of Pb5(PO4)3OHδ revealed a deviation from the expected hexagonal structure to an orthorhombic Pnma attributed to lattice parameter distortions, as shown in Fig. 1
(a). The hydrogen atoms were refined with half occupancy at the 8d sites. However, considering the limitations of XRD in accurately detecting hydrogen positions, we employed high-field 1H solid-state NMR (ssNMR) to further elucidate the hydrogen occupancies, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the structural intricacies of Pb5(PO4)3OHδ. To ascertain the phase purity and facilitate the investigation of its physical properties, powder XRD analysis was performed, with the results presented in Fig. 1
(b). The data were refined using and the green peak suggests a peak from a minor impurity phase.
![]() | Figure 1 The crystal structure and the powder XRD data of Pb5(PO4)3OHδ. (a) shows the of Pb5(PO4)3(OH) from single-crystal XRD and a comparison of Pb atom distribution between the orthorhombic and hexagonal structures. (b) Powder XRD data of Pb5(PO4)3OHδ from in-laboratory diffraction measurements. The experimental data are plotted as red dots. The black line gives the The blue line indicates the corresponding residual pattern (difference between observed and calculated patterns). Bars give Pb5(PO4)3OHδ peak positions from single-crystal XRD measurement. The green arrow indicates the peak from an impurity. On the upper right of the figure, a picture of the crystals is shown; the size of the chunk is about 5 mm. |
The 1H ssNMR spectrum features six underlying peaks with their isotropic chemical shifts (δiso) ranging from 0.8 to 5.2 p.p.m. in a 1:1.2:2.1:2.7:10.4:3.6 ratio from left to right (Fig. 2 and Table 3
). This is surprising since the solved single-crystal XRD structure only includes one hydrogen position, while the NMR data indicate a far more complex 1H environment. It is not unusual for ssNMR to detect additional structural features that are invisible to XRD techniques (Morris et al., 2017
; Zhang et al., 2022
; Inukai et al., 2016
; Corlett et al., 2019
; Li et al., 2013
; Serrano-Sevillano et al., 2019
). A few possible explanations for these hydrogen resonances are: (i) structural defects in the sample where the phosphate ion reacts with atmospheric water, (ii) water being incorporated into the structure, either occupying vacancies in the octahedral or tetrahedral holes in the and/or (iii) atmospheric water being bound to the lead as a ligand.
![]() | Figure 2 1H MAS solid-state NMR analysis of Pb5(PO4)3OHδ. Experimental 1H MAS NMR of Pb5(PO4)3OHδ is shown in blue, with corresponding analytical simulations in black, and deconvolution of the simulation is shown in color. Six 1H resonances are color-coded and labeled as a–f, with their relative intensity percentages provided. |
Since only a single spectrum for Pb5(PO4)3OHδ was acquired with no internal reference, only approximate estimation of the amount of hydrogen in the sample is possible. Precise quantification would require a low radiofrequency pulse, a different pulse sequence (i.e. Bloch decay), accurate site assignments of all hydrogen atoms and a series of standards to construct a (Bharti & Roy, 2012; Pauli et al., 2012
; Giraudeau, 2017
; Holzgrabe, 2010
; Pauli et al., 2015
). Hence, we are limited to approximately quantifying the Pb5(PO4)3OHδ spectrum relative to another 1H NMR spectrum of a known sample. First, a 1H spectrum of alanine with the exact same experimental parameters as Pb5(PO4)3OHδ was acquired using a sufficiently long recycle delay (in this case, 2 s) to completely re-equilibrate the magnetization before the next scan. Second, a Hahn echo with a long interpulse delay (in this case, 500 µs) was used for these experiments in order to eliminate the broad 1H background signal from the probe to allow for easier quantification of the spectra. It has been shown that the relative quantification of NMR spectra of two compounds is possible using the following equation (Malz & Jancke, 2005
where nx/ny is the molar ratio, Ix/Iy is the total integrated intensity ratio and N is the number of nuclei corresponding to the resonance line. Using the total integrated intensities from a spectrum of alanine and Pb5(PO4)3OHδ, we are able to write equation (2) for approximately quantifying the spectrum as
where I is the total integrated intensity of the spectrum, M is the molecular weight, m is the mass of the sample packed in the NMR rotor and S is the of hydrogen in the sample. Using equation (2), we were able to estimate the amount of hydrogen in Pb5(PO4)3OHδ to be approximately 82.5 µg or 1.15 wt%.
While Fig. 1(b) depicted the primary phase of the transparent single crystal, Pb5(PO4)3OHδ, the data also suggested the presence of minor impurity phases within the sample. Single-crystal and powder XRD analyses have identified Cu2S as the predominant impurity. Prior to evaluating the magnetization data, it is essential to consider the potential magnetic contributions from Cu2S impurities. If Cu2S were to significantly influence the magnetic behavior, one might expect to observe a β-to-γ around 370 K in resistivity, and measurements (Zhu et al., 2023
). VSM measurements, conducted without background subtraction across a temperature range of 1.8 to 400 K and presented in Fig. 3
, do not reveal any near 370 K. The large positive magnetization is also different from previous work (Zhu et al., 2023
). The presence of undetected impurity phases, a common occurrence in the solid-state synthesis of LK-99, cannot be overlooked. Fig. 3
presents the findings from temperature-dependent magnetization investigations, conducted under identical experimental conditions to those applied to an empty sample holder to guarantee precision. The magnetization profiles depicted in Fig. 3
, obtained through zero-field-cooled-warming (ZFCW) and field-cooled (FC) methods, exhibit distinctive Curie–Weiss-like behavior fitting is shown in Figs. S2a and S2b). A significant deviation between the ZFCW and FC data is evident around 50 K, where a kink-like anomaly, potentially arising from oxygen trapped in the measured sample, is identified in the ZFCW magnetization trajectory. This anomaly is accentuated in the derivative d(MT/H)/dT plot, prominently featured in the inset at the upper-left corner of the figure, further emphasizing its significance. The field-dependent magnetization is also shown in Fig. S3b.
![]() | Figure 3 Temperature-dependent magnetization of Pb5(PO4)3OHδ. ZFCW and FC magnetization as a function of temperature is given by VSM in the range of 1.8–400 K with a field of 1 kOe. The left inset shows d(MT/H)/dT as a function of temperature in the low-temperature range. The right inset shows the derivative of d(MT/H)/dT in the high-temperature range. |
In conclusion, the orthorhombic phase of Pb5(PO4)3OHδ was successfully synthesized via solid-state reaction techniques with the objective of creating LK-99. The determination of the phase composition and of the product was achieved through an integrated approach, utilizing both single-crystal and powder X-ray diffraction analyses, complemented by solid-state NMR spectroscopy.
Supporting information
CCDC reference: 2391128
contains datablock I. DOI:Structure factors: contains datablock I. DOI:
Rietveld powder data: contains datablock Paper_LK99_2_20230905_2.bak166. DOI:
Supplementary figures and table. DOI:
HO13P3Pb5 | Dx = 6.810 Mg m−3 |
Mr = 1337.87 | Mo Kα radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å |
Orthorhombic, Pnma | Cell parameters from 15385 reflections |
a = 13.5137 (4) Å | θ = 2.6–41.0° |
b = 10.2904 (4) Å | µ = 64.73 mm−1 |
c = 9.3838 (3) Å | T = 293 K |
V = 1304.93 (7) Å3 | Rod-like |
Z = 4 | 0.08 × 0.06 × 0.05 mm |
F(000) = 2240 |
XtalLAB Synergy, Dualflex, Hypix diffractometer | Rint = 0.126 |
Absorption correction: analytical | θmax = 41.2°, θmin = 2.6° |
Tmin = 0.057, Tmax = 0.177 | h = −24→24 |
48595 measured reflections | k = −18→18 |
4458 independent reflections | l = −17→17 |
2940 reflections with I > 2σ(I) |
Refinement on F2 | Hydrogen site location: inferred from neighbouring sites |
Least-squares matrix: full | H-atom parameters constrained |
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.040 | w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.0195P)2] where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3 |
wR(F2) = 0.076 | (Δ/σ)max = 0.001 |
S = 1.05 | Δρmax = 3.79 e Å−3 |
4458 reflections | Δρmin = −5.99 e Å−3 |
114 parameters | Extinction correction: SHELXL-2019/1 (Sheldrick 2019), Fc*=kFc[1+0.001xFc2λ3/sin(2θ)]-1/4 |
0 restraints | Extinction coefficient: 0.00025 (3) |
Geometry. All esds (except the esd in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell esds are taken into account individually in the estimation of esds in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between esds in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell esds is used for estimating esds involving l.s. planes. |
x | y | z | Uiso*/Ueq | Occ. (<1) | |
Pb1 | 0.07377 (2) | 0.55577 (2) | 0.29630 (2) | 0.01897 (6) | |
Pb2 | 0.02043 (2) | 0.750000 | −0.02842 (3) | 0.01674 (6) | |
Pb3 | 0.23350 (3) | 0.750000 | −0.30356 (4) | 0.02470 (8) | |
Pb4 | 0.27499 (19) | 0.750000 | 0.1556 (2) | 0.0285 (2) | 0.71 |
Pb5 | 0.2703 (5) | 0.750000 | 0.1277 (6) | 0.0496 (14) | 0.29 |
P1 | −0.16310 (10) | 0.53243 (13) | 0.07074 (14) | 0.0123 (2) | |
P2 | 0.00299 (15) | 0.750000 | −0.4252 (2) | 0.0153 (4) | |
O1 | −0.0913 (6) | 0.750000 | −0.3461 (8) | 0.0402 (19) | |
O2 | −0.0171 (5) | 0.750000 | 0.4179 (6) | 0.0257 (13) | |
O3 | 0.1089 (4) | 0.750000 | 0.1753 (5) | 0.0134 (10) | |
O4 | −0.1751 (4) | 0.3859 (4) | 0.0955 (4) | 0.0248 (9) | |
O5 | −0.1685 (4) | 0.5588 (5) | −0.0902 (5) | 0.0297 (11) | |
O6 | −0.0618 (3) | 0.5794 (5) | 0.1249 (6) | 0.0311 (11) | |
O7 | −0.2451 (4) | 0.6053 (5) | 0.1488 (6) | 0.0333 (12) | |
O8 | 0.0635 (4) | 0.8677 (5) | −0.3915 (7) | 0.0406 (14) | |
H8 | 0.099291 | 0.852435 | −0.322954 | 0.061* | 0.5 |
U11 | U22 | U33 | U12 | U13 | U23 | |
Pb1 | 0.02213 (10) | 0.01654 (10) | 0.01823 (9) | −0.00122 (8) | −0.00192 (8) | 0.00298 (7) |
Pb2 | 0.01586 (12) | 0.02079 (14) | 0.01357 (11) | 0.000 | −0.00303 (10) | 0.000 |
Pb3 | 0.02997 (17) | 0.02127 (15) | 0.02286 (15) | 0.000 | 0.00819 (13) | 0.000 |
Pb4 | 0.0111 (3) | 0.0524 (5) | 0.0221 (5) | 0.000 | 0.0032 (3) | 0.000 |
Pb5 | 0.0111 (9) | 0.098 (2) | 0.040 (3) | 0.000 | 0.0058 (15) | 0.000 |
P1 | 0.0110 (5) | 0.0105 (5) | 0.0154 (6) | 0.0008 (5) | 0.0014 (5) | 0.0000 (4) |
P2 | 0.0142 (8) | 0.0203 (9) | 0.0115 (8) | 0.000 | 0.0010 (7) | 0.000 |
O1 | 0.029 (4) | 0.066 (6) | 0.026 (4) | 0.000 | 0.011 (3) | 0.000 |
O2 | 0.022 (3) | 0.041 (4) | 0.015 (3) | 0.000 | 0.002 (2) | 0.000 |
O3 | 0.010 (2) | 0.018 (3) | 0.012 (2) | 0.000 | 0.0001 (17) | 0.000 |
O4 | 0.039 (3) | 0.0122 (18) | 0.024 (2) | −0.0076 (19) | 0.007 (2) | −0.0007 (15) |
O5 | 0.040 (3) | 0.033 (2) | 0.0160 (19) | 0.012 (2) | −0.0050 (19) | 0.0031 (18) |
O6 | 0.018 (2) | 0.041 (3) | 0.035 (3) | −0.011 (2) | −0.0083 (19) | 0.008 (2) |
O7 | 0.031 (3) | 0.025 (2) | 0.044 (3) | 0.005 (2) | 0.020 (2) | −0.012 (2) |
O8 | 0.028 (3) | 0.033 (3) | 0.061 (4) | −0.001 (2) | −0.012 (3) | −0.019 (3) |
Pb1—Pb4 | 3.624 (2) | Pb3—O5vi | 2.573 (4) |
Pb1—Pb5 | 3.681 (6) | Pb3—O8iv | 2.725 (5) |
Pb1—O2 | 2.608 (4) | Pb3—O8 | 2.725 (5) |
Pb1—O3 | 2.347 (3) | Pb4—O3 | 2.252 (6) |
Pb1—O5i | 2.601 (5) | Pb4—O7ii | 2.379 (5) |
Pb1—O6 | 2.450 (5) | Pb4—O7vii | 2.379 (5) |
Pb1—O7ii | 2.552 (5) | Pb5—O3 | 2.226 (9) |
Pb2—Pb5 | 3.681 (6) | Pb5—O7vii | 2.581 (7) |
Pb2—O3 | 2.255 (5) | Pb5—O7ii | 2.581 (7) |
Pb2—O4i | 2.592 (5) | P1—O4 | 1.534 (4) |
Pb2—O4iii | 2.592 (5) | P1—O5 | 1.536 (4) |
Pb2—O6 | 2.527 (5) | P1—O6 | 1.538 (5) |
Pb2—O6iv | 2.527 (5) | P1—O7 | 1.526 (5) |
Pb3—O1v | 2.753 (7) | P2—O1 | 1.474 (7) |
Pb3—O4i | 2.528 (4) | P2—O2viii | 1.498 (6) |
Pb3—O4iii | 2.528 (4) | P2—O8 | 1.495 (5) |
Pb3—O5v | 2.573 (4) | P2—O8iv | 1.495 (5) |
Pb4—Pb1—Pb5 | 4.13 (11) | O7vii—Pb4—Pb1 | 88.76 (15) |
O2—Pb1—Pb4 | 95.16 (11) | O7ii—Pb4—Pb1iv | 88.76 (15) |
O2—Pb1—Pb5 | 96.41 (12) | O7ii—Pb4—Pb1 | 44.60 (13) |
O3—Pb1—Pb4 | 37.09 (13) | O7vii—Pb4—Pb1iv | 44.60 (13) |
O3—Pb1—Pb5 | 35.30 (14) | O7vii—Pb4—O7ii | 77.5 (3) |
O3—Pb1—O2 | 69.77 (15) | Pb1iv—Pb5—Pb1 | 65.77 (11) |
O3—Pb1—O5i | 85.80 (15) | Pb2—Pb5—Pb1 | 60.61 (10) |
O3—Pb1—O6 | 75.47 (17) | Pb2—Pb5—Pb1iv | 60.61 (10) |
O3—Pb1—O7ii | 74.55 (17) | O3—Pb5—Pb1 | 37.53 (9) |
O5i—Pb1—Pb4 | 67.03 (12) | O3—Pb5—Pb1iv | 37.53 (9) |
O5i—Pb1—Pb5 | 64.62 (13) | O3—Pb5—Pb2 | 35.03 (16) |
O5i—Pb1—O2 | 154.68 (15) | O3—Pb5—O7vii | 76.0 (2) |
O6—Pb1—Pb4 | 105.49 (12) | O3—Pb5—O7ii | 76.0 (2) |
O6—Pb1—Pb5 | 101.73 (14) | O7vii—Pb5—Pb1 | 84.6 (2) |
O6—Pb1—O2 | 81.89 (19) | O7ii—Pb5—Pb1 | 43.88 (14) |
O6—Pb1—O5i | 85.71 (17) | O7vii—Pb5—Pb1iv | 43.88 (14) |
O6—Pb1—O7ii | 146.06 (16) | O7ii—Pb5—Pb1iv | 84.6 (2) |
O7ii—Pb1—Pb4 | 40.88 (12) | O7ii—Pb5—Pb2 | 104.4 (2) |
O7ii—Pb1—Pb5 | 44.49 (14) | O7vii—Pb5—Pb2 | 104.4 (2) |
O7ii—Pb1—O2 | 102.13 (18) | O7vii—Pb5—O7ii | 70.5 (3) |
O7ii—Pb1—O5i | 76.61 (17) | O4—P1—O5 | 108.5 (2) |
O3—Pb2—Pb5 | 34.53 (16) | O4—P1—O6 | 110.6 (3) |
O3—Pb2—O4i | 77.19 (15) | O5—P1—O6 | 108.2 (3) |
O3—Pb2—O4iii | 77.19 (15) | O7—P1—O4 | 109.5 (3) |
O3—Pb2—O6iv | 75.55 (14) | O7—P1—O5 | 110.5 (3) |
O3—Pb2—O6 | 75.55 (14) | O7—P1—O6 | 109.5 (3) |
O4iii—Pb2—Pb5 | 49.98 (12) | O1—P2—O2viii | 109.8 (4) |
O4i—Pb2—Pb5 | 49.98 (12) | O1—P2—O8 | 111.5 (3) |
O4iii—Pb2—O4i | 65.31 (18) | O1—P2—O8iv | 111.5 (3) |
O6—Pb2—Pb5 | 100.19 (12) | O8—P2—O2viii | 107.9 (3) |
O6iv—Pb2—Pb5 | 100.19 (12) | O8iv—P2—O2viii | 107.9 (3) |
O6—Pb2—O4iii | 150.17 (14) | O8iv—P2—O8 | 108.2 (4) |
O6iv—Pb2—O4i | 150.17 (14) | P2—O1—Pb3ix | 179.6 (5) |
O6iv—Pb2—O4iii | 96.77 (15) | Pb1—O2—Pb1iv | 100.0 (2) |
O6—Pb2—O4i | 96.77 (15) | P2x—O2—Pb1iv | 110.2 (2) |
O6iv—Pb2—O6 | 88.0 (3) | P2x—O2—Pb1 | 110.2 (2) |
O4iii—Pb3—O1v | 82.81 (18) | Pb1iv—O3—Pb1 | 116.8 (2) |
O4i—Pb3—O1v | 82.81 (18) | Pb2—O3—Pb1iv | 107.63 (14) |
O4iii—Pb3—O4i | 67.17 (19) | Pb2—O3—Pb1 | 107.63 (14) |
O4i—Pb3—O5v | 92.11 (15) | Pb4—O3—Pb1 | 103.97 (15) |
O4iii—Pb3—O5vi | 92.11 (14) | Pb4—O3—Pb1iv | 103.96 (15) |
O4i—Pb3—O5vi | 152.01 (14) | Pb4—O3—Pb2 | 117.3 (2) |
O4iii—Pb3—O5v | 152.01 (14) | Pb5—O3—Pb1iv | 107.17 (16) |
O4iii—Pb3—O8 | 74.03 (16) | Pb5—O3—Pb1 | 107.17 (16) |
O4i—Pb3—O8iv | 74.03 (16) | Pb5—O3—Pb2 | 110.4 (3) |
O4iii—Pb3—O8iv | 102.50 (18) | Pb5—O3—Pb4 | 6.87 (18) |
O4i—Pb3—O8 | 102.50 (18) | Pb3i—O4—Pb2i | 98.09 (15) |
O5v—Pb3—O1v | 75.81 (15) | P1—O4—Pb2i | 114.1 (2) |
O5vi—Pb3—O1v | 75.81 (15) | P1—O4—Pb3i | 133.9 (2) |
O5vi—Pb3—O5v | 99.8 (2) | Pb3ix—O5—Pb1i | 108.18 (15) |
O5v—Pb3—O8 | 131.03 (16) | P1—O5—Pb1i | 128.9 (3) |
O5v—Pb3—O8iv | 88.65 (17) | P1—O5—Pb3ix | 122.7 (3) |
O5vi—Pb3—O8iv | 131.03 (16) | Pb1—O6—Pb2 | 96.54 (15) |
O5vi—Pb3—O8 | 88.65 (17) | P1—O6—Pb1 | 148.3 (3) |
O8iv—Pb3—O1v | 151.60 (12) | P1—O6—Pb2 | 114.9 (3) |
O8—Pb3—O1v | 151.60 (12) | Pb1xi—O7—Pb5xi | 91.6 (2) |
O8—Pb3—O8iv | 52.8 (2) | Pb4xi—O7—Pb1xi | 94.52 (17) |
Pb1iv—Pb4—Pb1 | 66.95 (4) | Pb4xi—O7—Pb5xi | 4.14 (13) |
O3—Pb4—Pb1 | 38.94 (7) | P1—O7—Pb1xi | 134.1 (3) |
O3—Pb4—Pb1iv | 38.94 (7) | P1—O7—Pb4xi | 126.5 (3) |
O3—Pb4—O7vii | 79.79 (17) | P1—O7—Pb5xi | 128.0 (3) |
O3—Pb4—O7ii | 79.79 (17) | P2—O8—Pb3 | 99.5 (3) |
Symmetry codes: (i) −x, −y+1, −z; (ii) x+1/2, y, −z+1/2; (iii) −x, y+1/2, −z; (iv) x, −y+3/2, z; (v) x+1/2, y, −z−1/2; (vi) x+1/2, −y+3/2, −z−1/2; (vii) x+1/2, −y+3/2, −z+1/2; (viii) x, y, z−1; (ix) x−1/2, y, −z−1/2; (x) x, y, z+1; (xi) x−1/2, y, −z+1/2. |
Funding information
The following funding is acknowledged: US Department of Energy (grant No. DE-SC0023648).
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