Figure 1
Sections of electron density obtained before and after density modification of phases obtained for IF-5A (Peat et al., 1998 ) phased using one Se atom in the asymmetric unit. Density modification was carried out by real-space solvent flattening and histogram matching or by maximum-likelihood solvent flattening. Values for real-space density modification were carried out using the program dm (Cowtan & Main, 1996 ), version 1.8, using solvent flattening with histogram matching. Starting phases were calculated with SOLVE (Terwilliger & Berendzen, 1999 ). The correlation coefficient between the map calculated based on the refined model of IF-5A and the starting map was 0.37, for the real-space modifed map it was 0.65 and for the maximum-likelihood map it was 0.79. |