Figure 3
Scheme of the icosahedral reconstruction method for the 9 Å resolution SFV structure. Schematic diagram of the three-dimensional reconstruction method used for the 9 Å resolution SFV structure, illustrating the important steps in the process. Several hundred particle images were selected from 48 micrographs with a range of defocuses. The orientation of each particle was determined by comparison with a hybrid model formed by summing the atomic model of the SFV capsid with the current reconstruction of the entire virus. Particle images were convolved by the corresponding CTF to correct the phases and to decrease the amplitudes near the CTF nodes. A separate reconstruction was calculated from each image. The reconstructions were multiplied by the CTF and combined as the CTF-normalized sum. An envelope applied to compensate for the effect of imaging on the amplitudes by down-weighting the low-resolution components and boosting the high-resolution ones. |