Figure 2
Analysis of substructure sites for SHELXD runs against FA values or different anomalous differences with data truncated to 3 Å resolution. (a) The total length of the bars corresponds to the number of Se atoms in the refined structure (59). The green parts represent the part of the site list that is continous; for example, for the best solution against FA data, site number 55 is the first incorrect one. The blue parts stand for the number of sites that can be found in the `discontinous' part of the list of 84 sites output by SHELXD when 60 sites have been requested. The yellow parts correspond to the missing sites. (b) Distance between sites and refined position of the corresponding Se atom against number of the Se atom, in which the 59 refined Se atoms have been sorted in order of increasing B values; FA values, black; FPK, green; FHRM, red; FIP, blue. |