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Figure 1
MIR map contoured at 1σ in the vicinity of the haem at 2.96 Å resolution. Top (a) and side (b) views are shown. In the side view, the continuous electron density between the protein and haem clearly indicates the location of the proximal haem ligands His164 and Asp278 [temporary assignment of the assumed residue numbers where structural homology may exist to ARP (Arthromyces ramosus peroxidase; Kunishima et al., 1996BB13) in the proximal regions]. The distance of His164 N2 from the Fe atom is 2.0 Å, which is the same as in LiP. The imidazole ring of His164 forms a hydrogen bond with a carboxyl side chain of Asp278 in DyP. The distance is 2.9 Å and is the same as in LiP.

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ISSN: 1399-0047
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