Figure 3
Average phase error 〈Δφ〉 in resolution bins for refinements of CD5534 and CD55234, crystal form B, 2.8 Å data. Blue curves, refinements of CD5534; dashed line, BUSTER–TNT without missing-structure model; full line, BUSTER–TNT with missing-structure model; dotted line, REFMAC5; dot-dashed line, CNS. Green curves, refinements of CD55234; dashed line, BUSTER–TNT without missing-structure model; full line, BUSTER–TNT with missing-structure model; dotted line, REFMAC5; dot-dashed line, CNS. Orange curve, after maximum-entropy calculation at the end of the BUSTER–TNT CD55234 refinement that used the missing-structure model. |