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Figure 1
Plots of Rice log-likelihood function and its approximations (vertical axis) for a single acentric reflection from the BLIP test case, as a function of [I_{\bf h}^{\Phi} ({\bf x})]. The data are normalized, so that [I_{\bf h}^{\Phi}({\bf x})] has been divided by ΣN. The log-likelihood function (LLh) is shown in black, the linear (LETF1) and quadratic (LETF2) Taylor-series approximations are shown in blue and the linear (LETFL) and quadratic (LETFQ) least-squares approximations are shown in red. A dashed line shows the probability distribution of [I_{\bf h}^{\Phi}({\bf x})], superimposed using an arbitrary scale and origin. (a) BLIP alone. (b) BLIP with BETA fixed.

Journal logoBIOLOGICAL
ISSN: 1399-0047
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