Figure 4
A diffraction pattern of orthorhombic chicken mitochondrial complex II: a 1.0° oscillation diffraction pattern from one of the better complex II crystals at ALS beamline 5.0.1, with exposure 120 s and distance 200 mm, recorded on the ADSC Quantum 210 detector. The entire detector surface (210 × 210 mm) is shown in the main picture. A circle is drawn at a resolution of 2.00 Å. A small square area around 2.0 Å in the upper right quadrant is shown with increased contrast and part of that area is enlarged 3× in the upper right inset. Another region in the low-resolution area is shown magnified 3× and with reduced contrast in the lower right inset. The crystal is mounted so that the c axis is about 45° from the spindle axis and rotated about the spindle axis until the c axis is nearly perpendicular to the beam for this exposure. The concentric lunes are made up of reflections with constant values of h, while k varies from upper left to lower right and l from lower left to upper right (diagonal lines of barely resolved spots). |