Figure 4
Analysis of the anomalous signal in the data obtained from the C2 crystal. (a) I/σ(I) in resolution shells for data set PK1 as judged by SCALEPACK for increasing numbers of images. (b) The anomalous signal for increasing numbers of images from data set PK1 as judged by the variances of F+ and F− reported by XPREP. (c) The correlation coefficient in the anomalous signal between data sets PK1 and PK2 for increasing numbers of images in resolution shells as judged by XPREP. (d) The anomalous signal for different resolution shells obtained from batches of 360 images (centred on each data point) at different times during data collection as judged by the variances of F+ and F− reported by XPREP (the gap corresponds to the images collected for REM which are excluded from this analysis; between PK1 and PK2 the crystal-to-detector distance was increased from 200 to 230 mm, giving an overall improvement in signal to noise). |