Figure 2
(a) The effect of applying B-factor sharpening to electron-density maps (1) . A σA-weighted phase-combined 2Fo − Fc map was calculated to 4.4 Å using the refined model of p97/VCP–ADP·AlFx and selenomethionine-derived experimental MAD phases (obtained at 6.5 Å resolution). The map is shown around a homologous stretch of residues in the D1 (residues A251–A261) and D2 domains (residues A525–A534) of p97/VCP. The D2 domain was less ordered than the D1 domain and exhibited slightly different behavior with application of increasingly negative B-factor sharpening. The representative electron-density maps depicted here show that there is minimal discontinuity with maximum side-chain definition at the `best' Bsharp value of −120 Å2 (indicated by the dashed box). (b) The best Bsharp value of −120 Å2 is also obtained by determining the minimum absolute Bsharp value where the Wilson plot [ln(〈Fsharp〉2/〈fi〉2) versus resolution] produces all-positive values (dashed line). The Wilson plot was computed with ∼1000 reflections per bin. fi is the expected contribution of individual atoms in the unit cell to the scattering vector. |