Figure 2
Scatter plots of grand average of hydropathy (GRAVY; Kyte & Doolittle, 1982 ) against pI for proteins from B. anthracis. The background shading of each plot shows the clusters (A, B and C) identified from an analysis of T. maritima (Canaves et al., 2004 ). (a) A plot of proteins for all predicted B. anthracis ORFs. (b) A plot of the proteins selected by the York (triangles) and Oxford (circles) laboratories for HTP studies. The largely complete sets of 48 targets are shown as solid shapes, while those for which work is still in progress are shown as outline shapes. (c) A plot of targets for which significant progress has been made at York (triangles) and Oxford (circles). Red (X-ray) and blue (NMR) shapes show structures that have been determined; yellow shapes show proteins which have not had structures determined but have yielded crystals; green shapes show proteins which have not given crystals but been expressed solubly in sufficient quantities to enter crystallization trials. |