Figure 5
Two models for the binding of a peptide into the crystal structure of CD59. (a) Docking of the peptide comprising residues VSLAFS into the crystal structure by superimposition of the NMR-derived model of CD59 with the crystal structure. (b) The same view, but now showing how a loop from a symmetry-related molecule of CD59, comprising residues 20–24, binds into the same region of CD59. In both cases, CD59 is shown in stick form and is covered by a transparent surface. Residues and their respective surfaces that are within contact range of each peptide are colored blue. The remaining residues and surface of CD59 are both colored brown. Each `peptide' is shown in stick form and is colored yellow. Residues involved in contacts are labeled using single-letter code for the peptide and residue number for the crystal-packing interaction (#, symmetry-related residue). This figure was produced with PyMOL (https://www.pymol.org ). |