Figure 3
A plot of asymmetric unit volume against resolution for the X-ray crystal structures in the PDB. Entries with very small unit cells have been omitted, as have structures determined at higher than 1.5 Å resolution. Four structures are represented by red stars as they do not fit onto the plot; namely (from left to right) entries 1wce (birnavirus, 234 × 106 Å3), 1w8x (bacteriophage Prd1, 192.5 × 106 Å3), 1ohg (Hk97 bacteriophage capsid, 143 × 106 Å3) and 2btv (bluetongue virus core, 123 × 106 Å3). The type II dehydroquinase structure reported here has an asymmetric unit volume of 7.6 × 106 Å3 and is labelled 2bt4 . |