Figure 9
Seven dodecamers from the S. coelicolor DHQase–CA1 structure represented as ribbons and coloured by chain. This view of the structure illustrates the two types of crystal contacts seen within the structure. The main interaction, which is made at each of the twofold axes of each dodecamer in the structure, can be seen between chains F and G and between chains E and H and a perpendicular view between chains B and F. With these interactions alone chains F, G, B and J (shown here) together with chains D, K, M and O form a network of interactions. Chains E, H and I (shown here) together with chains A, C, L, N and P form a similar network of interactions within the spaces left by the first group of dodecamers. The interactions made between these two groups of dodecamers are via the flat threefold face of only certain dodecamers. In this diagram the only interaction is between chain E and G and is highlighted with three red stars roughly indicating the three interaction sites; all other potential interactions are too distant, e.g. between chain E and chain J. This figure was produced using PyMOL (DeLano, 2002 ![]() |