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Figure 4
Diffraction pattern of xylanase II. (a), (b), (c): Spot shapes for reflections of high, medium and low resolution, respectively, with different magnitude of counts. (d), (e), (f): Normalized standard profiles (background pixels, 0; peak pixels are shown as a histogram within the range {1–9, A–Z}) accumulated in MOSFLM from spots of several adjacent images within a certain detector area. The detector pixel size is 78.94 × 78.94 µm. The shape of low- and medium-resolution spots is mainly defined by the detector point-spread function. Average profiles do not adequately fit the individual spot shape for strong spots at low resolution, therefore in this resolution range integration by summation of pixels is superior to profile fitting. A weighted integration scheme described in the text was used to find the best compromise.

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ISSN: 1399-0047
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