Figure 1
Iterative-build OMIT and composite iterative-build OMIT maps for the molecular-replacement solution of 1hp7
(Kim et al., 2001). Maps are contoured at 1σ. (a) OMIT map calculated with σA-weighted (2mFo − DFc)exp(iφc) coefficients (Read, 1986) after refinement of the molecular-replacement model, omitting all atoms in one OMIT region. The atoms in the structure that were not omitted are shown. (b) Iterative-build OMIT map for the region shown in (a) after ten cycles of iterative model building, density modification and refinement. Shown is the model that was built outside of the OMIT region. (c) Composite iterative-build OMIT map constructed by combining all OMIT regions obtained as in (b). The model is the same as shown in (b). (d) Composite iterative-build OMIT map as in (c) with the refined structure 1hp7
superimposed. (e) Composite iterative-build OMIT map shown in (c) and (d) with the MR starting model superimposed. (f) Standard iterative-build density-modified map and model built starting from the MR starting model after removing all the atoms that are omitted in (a). |