Figure 1
Structure of hENO1. (a) Ribbon diagram of hENO1. Secondary-structural elements (helices, cyan; strands, magenta; loops, pink) assigned using PROCHECK are labelled. Bound magnesium and sulfate ions are depicted as ball-and-stick models. The boundaries of the secondary-structural elements are as follows: β1, 4–11; β2, 17–25; β3, 28–33; β4, 146–153; β5, 166–170; β6, 240–244; β7, 251–252; β8, 255–256; β9, 288–292; β10, 313–316; β11, 338–341; β12, 365–369; β13, 391–393; α1, 62–78; α2, 86–97; α3, 107–124; α4, 129–137; α5, 177–199; α6, 219–232; α7, 272–285; α8, 300–310; α9, 324–333; α10, 343–346; α11, 349–361; α12, 379–386; α13, 400–416. (b) Active site. A difference electron-density map (Fo − Fc) around the active site omitted in map calculation was drawn using the refined model. The map was contoured at the 5.0σ level. |