Figure 5
Monoclinic P21 FAS crystals from T. lanuginosus are imperfectly pseudo-merohedrally twinned. (a) Example of a diffraction image with indexing of two monoclinic Bravais lattices. The unit-cell parameters and crystal orientation matrices were refined independently for both lattices. Predicted spots for the first lattice are shown in yellow, whereas predicted spots for the second lattice are shown in red. (b) Orientation of the two reciprocal twin lattices according to the crystal orientation matrices given in (a) with respect to the X-ray beam and the Ewald sphere. The two twins are related by a 180° rotation around an axis in the plane perpendicular to the monoclinic b axis. (c) Effect of twinning on spot overlap in the diffraction pattern. Reciprocal-lattice points for the section h0l (twin 1) and l′0h′ (twin 2) are shown to a resolution of 5 Å and colored using a gradient from white (maximum spot overlap) to blue (maximum spot separation). |