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Figure 3
Raw diffraction profiles collected in the 2θ region 4–5° (a) and 13–14° (b). Samples 1–3 correspond to native lysozyme powder, samples 4 and 5 to lysozyme mixed with glucose, 6 and 7 to lysozyme mixed with NAG and 8–10 to lysozyme mixed with NAG3. An arbitrary number of counts were added to the raw intensities for all profiles to generate these overplots, using values of 0, 1500, 3000, 6000, 7500, 9500, 11 500, 14 500, 16 500, 18 500 for samples 1–10 in (a) and values of −4500, −3500, −1500, 1500, 4000, 2750, 6250, 9000, 9500, 13 000 for samples 1–10 in (b).

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