Figure 1
Measures of the quality of electron-density maps and structure factors. Measures of quality were calculated as described in the text for 1359 sets of structure factors and associated maps. Each measure is plotted with an abscissa equal to the correlation of density of the map with a map calculated from a final model (r2MODEL). Measures based on structures determined at resolutions of 2 Å or higher are shown as black diamonds and those at resolutions lower than 2 Å are shown as purple squares. All measures of quality and the correlation with model density (r2MODEL) were calculated at a resolution of 2.5 Å or the nominal resolution of the data, whichever is the lower. (a) Skewness of electron density. (b) Contrast of electron density. (c) Correlation of local r.m.s. density. (d) Flatness of solvent region. (e) Number of regions enclosing high density. (f) Overlap of NCS-related density. (g) Phase correlation from statistical density modification. (h) R factor from statistical density modification. (i) Density truncation. (j) Figure of merit of phasing. |