Figure 3
Structure-based sequence alignment of macro domains. The alignment is based on the PDB structures of the FCoV X domain (PDB code 3eti ; UniProtKB reference Q98VG9), the HCoV-229E X domain (3ejg ; UniProtKB reference P0C6X1), the SARS-CoV X domain (2fav ; UniProtKB reference P0C6U8), the IBV X domain (3ewo ; UniProtKB reference P0C6V5), A. fulgidus AF1521 protein (1hjz ; UniProtKB reference O28751), E. coli ER58 protein (1spv ; UniProtKB reference P0A8D6) and human macroH2.2A domain (1zr3 ; UniProtKB reference O75367). The secondary structure of the FCoV X domain is shown. Regions of high sequence identity are shaded blue. Residues forming the ADP-ribose-binding site are indicated by dashed magenta lines. The alignment was generated using the EBI SSM tool (https://www.ebi.ac.uk/msd-srv/ssm/ ) and modified with Jalview. |